Tuesday, August 2, 2011


WOW. I am finally beginning to unpack some of the clothes that has been packed away for over a year and I am finding that the more clothes I unpack, the more overwhelmed and stressed I feel. I have this irresistable urge to throw everything in an enormous black trashbag and take it over to Salvation Army just so I can have all the clutter out of my life forever. But... I can't do that. As our economy gets even further into the shits, we're going to need all the cash we can scrounge up.. so I'm thinking another garage sale is in the works.

You know what would be cool, though? If there was a way I could give all of this clothes away. See, when you drop clothes off at Goodwill or Salvation Army, people still have to pay for it (And in the case of Goodwill, at ridiculous prices). It would be interesting if there was a store that just gave everything away for free. Or perhaps, a store where you could bring one item and swap it for another. YES! A solution to the environmentally-disastrous effects of fast fashion.

On another note, this overwhelmed/stressed feeling I have is proof of just how unhealthy clutter is. I shall leave you with a Wiki link: Simple-living

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